Collective Creativity: Un-archiving the ‘black’ arts Movement Project
Collective Creativity have just been awarded a Go and See bursary funding to (re)visit the Making Histories Visible archive in Preston UK! Hooray!
Undertaking a short residency at The Making Histories Visible archive, UCLan(makinghistoriesvisible.com) will support the archival and research work we (Evan Ifekoya, Raisa Kabir and Raju Rage) are doing with London based archive AAVAA (African, Asian Visual Arts Archive) at Chelsea, UAL as well as feed into our individual practices. We aim to create discourse around the legacies of ‘black’ art in Britain and interrogate its impact on POC (people of colour) artists emerging today. (aka ‘un-archiving’ and ‘putting ourselves in the picture’)
We will also be using the opportunity to document our process and work we have been doing to date which we will present at GLITCH QPOC film festival Glasgow 2015 where we will be presenting ‘QTIPoC Collective Creativity on Tour – Multimedia Presentation and Participatory Discussion Session – Navigating QT*IPoC Emerging Practices: In Conversation with Collective Creativity’. http://www.digitaldesperados.org/glitch/glitchprogramme-2015/
As a collective of QTPOC artists who have all in some way felt failed by the art academy and our formal educations, this project offers up a space to critically reflect on those experiences and examine the gaps and absences in art institutions. We are invested in making more and better resources available so that future generations of QTI/POC artists don’t face the same sense of disillusionment. Our wider aims are to transform the sometimes inaccessible space of the archive, often held in gate keeping institutions into one that everyone feels entitled to access. With a deeper awareness of our histories as creative subjects we are better equipped to navigate the world as informed practitioners.
*Thanks to a-n (www.a-n.co.uk), Lubaina Himid (making Visible archive), GLITCH Film Festival 2015
image: collage using Thin Black Line(s) Publication published by Making Histories Visible, Centre for Contemporary Art 2011
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