Visual Activisms Residency Berlin
Art+Resistance. Visual Acts, Queer Interventions, and Activism – 11-17th July 2015
Solo and Collaborative work with Rena Onat, Iris Rajanayagam and Noah Sow.
Inject/ed: Self(ie) Determination
In response to The Homosexualität_en exhibition at Schwules museum and Deutsches Historiches Museum that ‘documents 150 years of the history, politics and culture of homesexual women and men in Germany’. I decided to inject myself into the exhibition and art works by using selfies as a transgender queer of colour interruption and intervention.
Single Images: (click on images to enlarge, tap to enable slideshow)
P.I.G.G (Project. Interruption. Gaze. Gibberish)
Superculturalities of gender*and the decolonization of intersectional gentrification of the hypercolonial*-subjectbody and knowledge production gendering the endangered gender* urbanisim transformative intervention inverted irrealevance multiple dynamic Transnational/ postrelavant art deconstructiveness* of the aesthetic exclusive perpetuating research analysis identity/ the opacity of the complexity counterproductive veilence regentrifiying postpolitical irrealevance so what i what to say is…..backlashes of volatile perspectives in multidimensional aspects of counteractivism postsexisstatic dynamics of unprecedented narratives of inscribed ignorance. Exhibiting the undiscovered intrinsic transformation of the the I. (*specfic contrbutions by Noah Sow)
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