Perverse Assemblages
Queering and Decolonizing Art and Visual Culture by Rena Onat, Sandrine Micosse-Aikens and Raju Rage
Paul, Barbara (hgs); Hoenes, Josch (hgs) Perverse AssemblageThe book reclaims the pejorative term perverse and asks how intermedial artistic practices serve to queer heteronormativity. How queer artistic and cultural artworks enable alternative forms of imagination? And to what extent does such art further queer politics of anti- and de-normalization? In for sections Trans*Media, Trans*Bodies; Queering and Decolonizing Art and Visual Culture; Queer Temporalities, Media, and Movement; and Queer Punk Politicsthe essays explore selected artworks.Berlin 2018, 142 pages, ill., 24 x 17 cm, Softcover, English
ISBN 978-3-95763-423-8

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