The first Postnatural Independent Program (PIP) offered by the Institute for Postnatural Studies was imagined as a new learning space that could offer theoretical tools and embodied knowledge to help define and develop ideas and projects that examine postnature as a framework for contemporary creation. Using a dual methodology incorporating both theory and practice, it emerged as an inclusive and horizontal virtual campus, in constant shifting. Structured in 3 online modules, and accompanied by renowned international thinkers, artists, curators, and philosophers, it was complemented by two in-person encounters in Madrid; important moments in which the participants (coming from many different countries and contexts) had the opportunity of sharing the embodied experience of being together in one physical space and time-zone.
We believe that this complex and multilayered space that emerges from conversations, ideas, shared intimacies, vulnerabilities, and propositions has real consequences in the world. By critically leaving behind the representational distance between “us” and “them”, “here” and “there”, and “knowledge” and “superstition”, to name just a few of the dichotomies cultivated by Western traditional art and philosophy academies, we forge a necessary and immediate relation to the world. But who is “we”? And how can “we” stay together, despite our differences? How can “we” create collectivity without sameness, and bypass the pull towards homogeneity?
This book is a reflection, reverberation and resonance of our 7 months together.
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